
Research Seminar Series: Which Streets are Complete? Mapping Pedestrian and Transit Infrastructure at Scale in San Francisco, CA

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Research Seminar Series

As U.S. cities attempt to transition their streets away from a car-centric status quo and toward walking, biking, and transit, they often lack datasets that are both granular and scalable. Which streets, down to the block level, actually support non-car travelers? How do these cluster in different neighborhoods, and relate to sociodemographics and land-use patterns?  Pursue these questions in the context of pedestrian and transit infrastructure in San Francisco, using a variety of methods, including satellite imagery, in-person observation, and spatial statistics.

About the Speaker

Marcel Moran, PhD is a Faculty Fellow at the NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress. He received his PhD from the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley in May 2023. He studies urban transportation, including bicycle, transit, and pedestrian infrastructure and policy. His research has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, WNYC, Forbes, and Bloomberg CityLab. He holds a bachelors degree from Harvard University and a masters degree from the University of Chicago. He is an avid cyclist, and has biked the entire coast of California. He lives in New York City.