Application of technology to maximize recovery after stroke from the clinic to the home environment

Dr. Kim has extensive clinical experience working with adults with neurological disabilities in the acute and inpatient rehabilitation hospital settings. As a clinician-researcher in the Rehabilitation Medicine department at New York Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Kim gained expertise on upper extremity robotics technologies, outcome measurement, and intervention implementation in stroke. Her research encapsulates the intersection of technology, neurorehabilitation, and client-centered care. She is particularly interested in the use of affordable mobile and wearable technologies and shared decision-making approaches to maximize real-world outcomes for stroke survivors living in the community.
Dr. Kim received her bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of California - Davis and her master's degree in Occupational Therapy at Columbia University in New York City. She completed her PhD in Occupational Therapy at New York University in 2016. Dr. Kim has been awarded a multitude of grants including the Mitchell Leaska Dissertation Grant (2014), Steinhardt Faculty Challenge Grant (2017), New York University Research Challenge Grant (2017), New York University Provost Office Mega-Grant Seed Funding (2018), and the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Interventional Research Grant (2021).