Inspirational Seminar Series: “AI, Robots and Meaningful Work for All”

Professor Denise Celentano
Department of Philosophy
University of Montreal
Join us as we explore whether technological change may help us create more desirable forms of work for all. In particular, Prof. Celentano will focus on the concept of meaningful work - what does it mean, and how could it be made available for all? Could AI help us realize it? What are the risks and obstacles to this goal, given our highly unequal world? At the seminar, Professor Celentano will share her expertise on the impact of technology on work and discuss how these innovations may unlock new opportunities for society, provided that the values served by automation choices evolve into a fairness and meaning-oriented direction. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking seminar, brought to you by the University of Montreal in association with the Tandon Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.