Learning for Pricing and Rate Control in Serverless Edge Computing
György Dán, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Edge computing could enable low latency access to computing resources at the network edge. Nonetheless, in order for it to be able to cater for the needs of latency sensitive applications, there is a need for resource management algorithms that span communication, computing and storage resources, as well as pricing schemes that provide incentives for operators and users. Focusing on a serverless edge with a set of wireless devices that aim at offloading computational tasks, in this talk we consider two aspects of resource management and pricing. We first consider the problem of distributed rate adaptation of wireless devices as they interact with a serverless edge that performs load balancing. We provide a generalized Nash equilibrium formulation of the problem and use variational inequality theory to prove that the game admits an equilibrium. For the case of imperfect information we propose an online learning algorithm for the devices to maximize their utility through rate adaptation and resource reservation. We show that the proposed algorithm can converge to equilibria and achieves zero regret asymptotically, outperforming the state of the art in online convex optimization. We then consider the problem of optimal pricing for joint resource management and caching under incomplete information, and provide a single-leader multiple-follower Stackelberg game formulation. Based on results obtained for the complete information case, we propose a Bayesian Gaussian process bandit algorithm for joint price and cache optimization and we provide a bound on its asymptotic regret. Our results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art algorithms by up to 50% at little computational overhead.
György Dán is professor of teletraffic systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He received the M.Sc. in computer engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary in 1999, the M.Sc. in business administration from the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary in 2003, and the Ph.D. in Telecommunications from KTH in 2006. He worked as a consultant in the field of access networks, streaming media and videoconferencing 1999-2001. He was a visiting researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science in 2008, a Fulbright research scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2012-2013, and an invited professor at EPFL in 2014-2015. He served as area editor of Computer Communications 2014-2021, as editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2019-2023, and serves as TPC member of conferences like IEEE Infocom and ACM e-Energy. He has received several best paper awards from IFIP and IEEE in recent years. His research interests include the design and analysis of content management and computing systems, game theoretical models of networked systems, and cyber-physical system security and resilience.