
Seminar: Financial Technology

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Financial Technology supports the engineering and operations of financial systems, markets, and services. This seminar addresses some current concerns and case studies related to Financial Technology.  


A Review of Bank of America’s 2021 Patent for a Blockchain Based Profile Pricer
V.Zheng, Z.Ye, Q.Zhang, Z.Tong, Y.Yue

Frank: A Case Study of a Fraudulent FinTech Startup (JPMorgan Chase v. Javice)
G.Chen, R. Cao, Y.Gu, X.Wang, Y.Tang

A Review of the Nasdaq/ISE Patent for an Automated Exchange for Trading of Securities
C. Zhu, X.Sun, Y.Hua, Q.Liu, Z.Li

A Detailed Description of Financial Information Exchange (FIX)
VM. Anirudh, A.Daifode, P.Jardosh, T.Setlur, Y. Sethi

The Evolution and Innovations of the SWIFT FIN  FinTech Protocol
B.Xiao, B.Jiang, E.Du, Y.Li, Z.Yan

Nasdaq’s SEC Filing for its First AI-Based Order Type
S.Liu, L.Li, Z.Zhang, M.Zhu, J.Hong
