Additive Manufacturing Security: 10+ Reasons to be Concerned

Mark Yampolskiy
Auburn University
"Additive Manufacturing Security: 10+ Reasons to be Concerned"
Additive Manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D printing, is a rapidly growing multibillion-dollar industry. AM community was very successful in improving AM processes and developing new materials, enabling 3D-printed parts to be used in a wide range of applications, including aerospace and medical fields. However, the success comes at a price of being an increasingly attractive target for attacks.
As often the case, securing a new technology is not a simple “plug-and-play” task for already established cyber-security approaches. While cyber-security is a necessary component of AM Security, it is not even remotely sufficient to fully secure against the recognized Security Threats. This talk will provide an introduction in AM Security, a highly inter-disciplinary field of research that both poses novel challenges and provides unexpected opportunities. Focusing predominantly on attacks, this talk will outline an often-surprising cyber-physical “toolkit” that malicious actors can employ to achieve their nefarious goals. The presenter will also point out the common myths and misconceptions that – in his opinion – have been plagued this field so far. A summary of discrepancies between the current state of the field and the emerging needs will provide an invitation to the experienced and aspiring researchers in the field to address the gaps.
Dr. Mark Yampolskiy is an Associate Professor at Auburn University, department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE). He is also an Affiliated Faculty with Auburn Cyber Research Center (ACRC) and National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME). He was among the pioneers and is one of the leading experts in the field of Additive Manufacturing Security. His research interests include the cyber-physical means of attack and defense in AM.
In addition to his research activities, Dr. Yampolskiy is chairing Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Security workshop co-located with ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) and co-chairs Industry 4.0 symposium at International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM). He is also leading the standardization effort on AM Security at ASTM International, under the F.42 committee.