Research Expo is an annual public event that features exhibits that illustrate the scope of engineering and the applied sciences — and their potential for improving the world. This year’s Exhibit will celebrate the incredible academic contributions of our community and the ways in which they connect to Tandon’s seven areas of research excellence. The most exciting work being done in labs and prototyping facilities comes alive for spectators of all ages!
Stop by the Tandon Research Excellence Exhibit to view and experience 43 incredible projects, and enjoy amazing giveaways including Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, popcorn, cotton candy, a 360 photo booth, and more!
The Exhibit is free and open to the public.
1:00 pm - Welcome Remarks from Dean Jelena Kovačević and President Andrew Hamilton
1:15 pm - Exhibits Open
3:30 pm - Exhibit Winners announced
4:00 pm - Research Exhibit concludes
2023 Exhibit Winners
Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Category
First Place - "Urban Microclimate: People, Space, Time" exhibited by Diedre Brown, Vivaldi Rinaldi, and Matthias Fitzky
Second Place - "AMIGO: Autonomous Machine In Galactic Operations - Tandon's Homemade Lunar Excavation Rover" exhibited by Andy Qin, Carlos Campos, Sarah Moughal, and Neha Das
Third Place - "VIP M Biodevices: 3D Printed Wheelchair Arm Mobility Device" exhibited by Nassima Kaojkaji, Jackie Pinto, Vicki Li, Karen Mitsuyama, and Brianna Williams
Areas of Excellence Category
First Place - "Physiological Signal Processing for Mental Well-Being" exhibited by Rose Faghih (Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering), Saman Khazaei, Vidya Raju, Revanth Reddy, and Yaxin Guo
Second Place - "Reforming the Organics Collection Program in New York City (Department of Sanitation)" exhibited by Analaura Tostada
Third Place - "HydroGEN: An in situ gelling therapeutic hydrogel to prevent and treat osteoarthritis after traumatic joint injury" exhibited by Nada Haq-Siddiqi and Julia Monkovic
2023 Exhibits
Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Category
- Project Mjolnir: Open Source Adaptive MTB
- Urban Microclimate: People, Space, Time
- A smart wearable device for persons with blindness or low vision
- Voltimus Prime ChemE Car
- NYU Hyperloop
- VIP M Biodevices: 3D Printed Wheelchair Arm Mobility Device
- Augmented Library Vertically Integrated Project
- ArduiKnow Mural
- Developments in Networking Applications
- Soft Rehabilitation Robot
- AI for Scientific Research
- Rogue Aerospace
- AMIGO: Autonomous Machine In Galactic Operations - Tandon's Homemade Lunar Excavation Rover
- Wearable AI-enabled Mechanomyography: Application in XR and NeuroRobotics
- RoboMaster Team UltraViolet Robot Showcase
Areas of Excellence Category
Data Science/AI/Robotics
- Urban ad-hoc roadway construction zones: Human worker behavior evaluation towards safety notifications
- Agile Robotics and Perception Lab
- FOM-R (Fiber Optic Mounting Robot)
- Digital Twins and Robots: Modular Construction and Real-Time Scene Understanding
- Fish against the flow: how do fish know where current is coming from?
- Building Diagnostic Robotics
Emerging Media
- Mapping the Intersection of Greenspace, Socioeconomic Status, and Public Health to Build Resilience Against Epidemics
- Reforming the Organics Collection Program in New York City (Department of Sanitation)
- Artificial Intelligence in Stand-up Comedy
- Inclusive Indoor Navigation In Augmented Reality
- Tactile Interpretations of Historical Textiles
- In Situ Monitoring of 3d Printed Composites
- FloodNet: Real-time Street-level Flood Monitoring
- Towards the application of data science in stroke telerehabilitation
- Advancing mobility and equity for persons with visual impairment
- Extended-Reality Interfaces for Humanoid Loco-Manipulation Control in Complex Environments
- EyeSnap
- HydroGEN: An in situ gelling therapeutic hydrogel to prevent and treat osteoarthritis after traumatic joint injury
- Mental Health Awareness: Professional Development for NYU Faculty & Staff on Identifying and Addressing Mental Health Concerns of NYU Students
- Physiological Signal Processing for Mental Well-Being
- Evaluation of Constraint Characteristics of Artificial Knee Designs using ASTM Test Method
- Demystify the brain
- Building a T Cell Receptor Therapy Production Plant in Genetically Engineered Mouse Models
- Electrifying chemical production using robots and machine learning tools
- Terrestrial Adornments
- Ethylene production from biomass waste
- Assessment of Hyperlocal Urban Aerobiome Microclimates
K-12 Stem
- Center for K12 STEM Education