Using Gradescope in NYU LMS (Brightspace)

Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on remote/online delivery of assignments that are paper-based, fully online, and a combination of the two. We will also cover the instructor workflow of using Gradescope integrated with Brightspace. This workshop will cover:
- Lesser-known tips and tricks for saving even more time with grading on Gradescope.
- Demos of some of our beta features, such as essay assignments.
- Opportunities to ask questions and share feedback \ feature requests.
Note: Because this is vendor-led training, the Brightspace instance shown in the training may look slightly different than NYU LMS (Brightspace). Instructors are welcome to invite their TAs and grading staff.
Recording of the session will be shared with all registrants. So please feel free to register even if you can’t make it to the live session.