
Augmented Reality in Clinical Practice

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Two doctors in surgery using augmented reality, viewing 3-D recreations of organs


Molly Flexman, PhD
Department Head, Precision Diagnosis and Image Guided Thera
Philips Research North America, Massachusetts, USA


During minimally invasive procedures physicians cannot directly see and touch the treatment area. Instead they rely on advanced medical imaging technologies such as ultra-low dose X-ray imaging and ultrasound, as well as other navigation technologies, to see inside the patient and guide their actions. The amount of information available for use during interventional procedures is growing and yet the interfaces used for interaction remain the same – keyboard, mouse, screen. The augmented reality concept that we are researching brings together live imaging and other sources of vital data currently displayed on large 2D screens into a 3D holographic augmented reality environment that can be ergonomically, easily and intuitively controlled by the physician. During this talk, we will discuss the role that augmented reality can plan in the future of healthcare, as well as our own experience developing an augmented reality prototype for the interventional suite. 

Molly Flexman Headshot