Women Leaders in Transportation: Workshop for Students
Career Development,
Workshop / Training
For NYU Community

Hosted by the NYU Rudin Center and C2SMART Transportation Center, this half-day event will provide attendees with the opportunity to grow their leadership skills and network with current women leaders in the transportation field.
Note: You must register to attend
12:00 pm: Seminar on Optimizing Traffic Signal Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic Stream
01:30 pm: Lunch & Networking
02:00 pm: Panel Discussion with:
- Lily Elefteriadou
Professor & Director, University of Florida Transportation Institute
- Mary Kay Murphy
Director Planning and Regional Development, Port Authority of NY & NJ
- Jennifer Strasser
Vice President, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
- Meera Joshi
Visiting Scholar, NYU Rudin Center; Policy Advisor, Remix; Former CEO/Chair, NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission
03:00 pm: Workshopping Event
04:00 pm: Networking and Follow-Up Discussions