
NYU X Make The Planet Great Again Hackathon

Student Life
For NYU Community

Design lab event photo

How do you change human behavior to make real change in the fight against climate change?

The NYU x Make the Planet Great Again Hackathon is a unique opportunity for students to help shape solutions to the most pressing challenge facing humanity – climate change.

Every year, Make the Planet Great Again picks a widely regarded issue concerning our environment and puts it at the center of a full-blown 2-day hackathon event.

You will be working side by side with fellow students across all disciplines as well as experts, entrepreneurs, activists and enthusiasts on innovative new concepts, presenting prototypes and laying the foundation for your own pro-planet project.

This year, Make the Planet Great Again has supported & collaborated with more than 35 companies, environmental organizations and initiatives identifying one common problem – how do you change human behavior?

How can we change human behavior?

No matter how good the product or how innovative the idea – if you fail to influence people to adopt it, the change you seek to make cannot scale effectively. Fundamentally, climate change is driven by human behavior, it is only with the shifting of our behavior patterns that true change can be achieved. We are working together with Make The Planet Great Again to work on new ways to address this issue.

*The $20 deposit is refundable upon attendance of both days of the hackathon.*
