Tandon Alumnus Lunch & Learn, 4/2 (short stmt required by 3/25): w Ray Zambuto (BSEE/MSBioE, founder of TiM)
Dear Tandon Students,
Please join us on Tues, April 2 for lunch with Tandon alum Ray Zambuto. Ray received his BS-EE and MS-BioE from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1967 and 1970, respectively. After working briefly in industry and at the renowned Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, he founded Massachusetts-based Technology in Medicine, Inc (TiM) in 1974.
TiM grew to become one of the most respected names in healthcare technology management, providing services to hospitals and healthcare systems in over a dozen states. After its acquisition in 2006 by The Link Group of Irvine, California, Ray stayed on to lead the business unit through 2013.
Ray is a strong believer in repaying the professions that enabled his success. Author of over 50 presentations and publications, he has been recognized as a Fellow by three engineering societies. He is a past president of the American College of Clinical Engineering, co-founder of the Patient Care Domain of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, and has held leadership positions in a variety of business, professional, and community organizations throughout his career and into retirement. Ray is currently an active member of St. Cecilia Parish in Ashland, Massachusetts and pursues a variety of avocations, including genealogy, audio-video production, writing, and maple sugaring.
Spaces are limited. If you're interested in joining this lunch, please send an email and a short statement about your interests and career plans to Associate Dean Steve Sagner (ss4923@nyu.edu) by 5 pm on Mon, Mar 25.