
Women in Tech Virtual Panel for Women at Tandon, Session #1

Career Development,
Workshop / Training
For NYU Community

IBM would like to cordially invite Women at Tandon students to our Women in Tech Virtual Panel. This will be hosted via WebEx on Wednesday, March 27th and there are two different times for students to choose from. (The sessions will have different panelists but the content/questions asked will be the same!)

This will be an opportunity for students to hear from female IBMers representative of different tech teams as they talk about why they chose tech at IBM, insight into how they are helping to advance women professionally, as well as advice and insight to students pursuing future work opportunities with IBM and how to engage during the upcoming fall semester.

We really look forward to connecting with your students virtually- we encourage students to let us know that they will be attending and can RSVP to the event session below that best aligns with their schedule:

Session 1: Wednesday 3/27 6-7PM ET (3-4PM PT)
RSVP here: 
On the 27th, join the panel here:

Session 2: Wednesday 3/27 9-10PM ET (6-7PM PT)
RSVP here: 
On the 27th, join the panel here:

Upon RSVPing, students will receive a calendar invite within 24-48 hours with the WebEx log in information for the session that they select. Panelist bios will be shared ahead of the event. Attendees can also submit questions that our panel may address during the session through this link:

The IBM Team looks forward to virtually engaging with your students on March 27th!