Professional Jump Start for College Women & New Graduates Conference

Jump Start
A new one-day conference from AAUW New York State to help college women successfully transition from students to professionals as they look for new jobs and start their careers. The fee is $10 per attendee, and includes registration, light breakfast, lunch, and snack. (While directed to women, men can also attend.)
Learn job search and career skills from experts:
Attend an AAUW Start Smart salary negotiation workshop to learn:
-How to identify and articulate your personal value
-How to develop an arsenal of persuasive responses and other negotiation strategies
-How to conduct objective market research to benchmark a target salary and benefits
-About the pay gap, including its long-term consequences
Additional topics:
-Tips on creating an outstanding resume
-Interview skills
-Do’s and don’ts of social media
-Professional head-shots day of event
-Dressing for success and navigating workplace culture
Have questions? Contact us:
Register HERE:
Date: March 9, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Guttman Community College, 50 West 40th St, New York, NY
Sponsors: This event is organized through a collaboration of AAUW New York State, and the Empire State, Rockland, Staten Island, Westchester, and Poughkeepsie Branches. Funding is provided by a grant from the AAUW NYC Metro Area Fund.