Credit Karma’s Patent Application
X. Luo, J. Luo, D. Choi, K. Mei, T. Chang
An Introduction to BlackRock’s Aladdin Platform
D. Han, X. Liu, Y. Yao, S. Li, Y. Xu
The FinTech of Fedwire
C. Wan, J. Zhao, Y. Miao, Y. Wang
A Case Study of RTP: The Clearing House Real-Time Payments System
Y. Cheng, P-L. Wu, X. Shi, Y. Zhou, X. Cheng
Financial Technology of the SWIFT gpi Payment System
S. Liu, Z. Ye, K. Zheng, F. Li, E. Zhang
"Blockchain: Master of Hype or Potential Promise?" - A Review of the Reed Smith LLP White Paper on Distributed Ledger Technology
S. Iyer, T. Gumusoglu, Y. Nian, J. Yu, J. Zhou