About the event:
New York University (NYU) Tandon School of Engineering is proud to host the 2nd Annual Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Mid-Atlantic Conference on December 7th, 2018.
VIP is an international consortium of 29 universities spanning multiple continents and continuously expanding. The VIP Program is the next revolution of experiential learning in higher education. It unites undergraduate education and faculty research, innovation, design, and entrepreneurship in a team-based context that creates long-term, large-scale projects.
Attend the conference to see displays from different teams from across the region and showcase your projects to the VIP consortium. The theme for this conference is collaboration for innovation. There will be keynotes from high profile speakers and a tour of the experiential learning spaces at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Student teams will have the potential to earn $5000 in award prizes for their leadership in innovation and VIP Consortium VIPer Pit (similar to Shark Tank) competition.
VIP Mid-Atlantic Region: New York University, University of Delaware, Virginia Tech, Howard University, Stony Brook, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Drexel
Team Entry: For all VIP teams entering the competition submit your application here!
Noon-1 PM Registration, Lunch, and Poster/Exhibit Set Up
1-2:00 PM Introduction and Keynotes
Opening Remarks: NYU Tandon School of Engineering Dean Jelena Kovačević
About NYU VIP and the Mid-Atlantic Conference: NYU VIP Director Professor Jack Bringardner
About the VIP Consortium: Director of VIP Consortium Professor Ed Coyle
Keynote Speaker
2-3:30 PM VIP Exhibit & Poster Competition
All VIP teams from each site welcome
$1,000 award for top in each category (to continue team's efforts): 1) teamwork/leadership/collaboration, 2) effective communication/presentation, and 3) innovation/effort
3:30-3:45 PM Break and Presentation Set Up
3:45-4:30 PM VIPer Pit
Short shark tank style pitch, limited to 1.5 minute elevator pitch from team leaders, 2 minute promo video
Top team at each institution (selected by their director)
$1,000 award to top 2 teams based on viability and social impact (to continue team's efforts)
4:30-4:45 PM Closing Remarks & VIP for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Strathclyde VIP Director Professor Stephen Marshall
4:45-5:00 PM Wrap Up and Collection of Contact Info for Award Winners