Tandon Alumnus Lunch & Learn, 12/7 (short stmt required by 11/28): Tom Dyevich (Founder: Princeton Medical Marketing)
Dear Tandon Students,
If you’re interested in healthcare and technology, sales/marketing, entrepreneurship, and starting and running your own business, please join us Fri, Dec 7 for lunch with Tandon alum Tom Dyevich (MS ’85 in Management).
A NYC native and alum of Stuyvesant High School, Tom earned his BS at Cornell and later his Masters at Tandon (Poly). He is founder and CEO of Princeton Medical Marketing, a sales agent that represents outstanding medical device firms including Aedicell, PSS Urology, Bioseal, and Umano Medical. Last year, the small company had sales of over $10 million. Previously, Tom was National Sales Manager for Respironics HealthScan; President - General Manager of Atlantis Medical & Surgical; National Sales Manager for Huntleigh Healthcare; and a Sales Representative for CR Bard, a renowned global health company.
Tom says “I had the good fortune to start in the medical technology business right out of college with CR Bard as a salesman. This positioned me to go to become a sales manager, national sales manager, entrepreneur, CEO, VP Sales, and now for the last 18 years a specialty sales agent. I have had great success and lots of setbacks as well. When given the opportunity to speak with students, I stress the importance of risk taking, learning from mistakes, building a network of high quality, first-class people and non-stop learning. I am so eager to talk to the NYU Tandon students. Thanks so much.”
Space is limited. If you're interested in joining this lunch, please send an email and a short statement explaining your reasons for attending to Associate Dean Steve Sagner (steve.sagner@nyu.edu) by 5 pm on Weds, Nov 28.