Announcing Our 1st Student Projects Week
This week is dedicated to showcasing student projects, so be sure to check out all the events happening this week!
Hack-a-thon - Hack Dibner Finals
MON, DEC 3 at 3:00 PM
NYU MAGNET - 2 Metrotech Center
Hack Dibner is a design contest hosted by NYU Tandon's Bern Dibner Library. Students have been challenged to develop and present an idea that will improve user experience within NYU libraries through the use of technology. Sign up here.
Grand Opening of Student Teams Space
Maker Garage
Stay tuned for more information about our new student team work space: the Maker Garage!
MakerSpace Interactive Design Intervention
DEC 4-6 all day
Design Lab at the NYU Tandon MakerSpace
In this spirit of experimentation and rapid prototyping, we decided to create Intervention Series, a set of three short interactive installations aiming at engaging visitors in the MakerSpace and asking them to become reflective about their practices.
Student to Scholar: Pitches, Research Posters & Presentations
WED, DEC 5 at 6:30 PM
Design Lab at the NYU Tandon MakerSpace
Perfecting the elevator pitch is one of the best tools any entrepreneur could have. Join Professor Bringardner, the director of the VIP program at NYU for a workshop on developing your presentation skills. Whether it’s a research program, speech, or 30 second elevator pitch, this will be a short guide to selling your idea.
NYU Prototyping Fund Fall 2018 Showcase
THU, DEC 6 at 11:00 AM
Design Lab at the NYU Tandon MakerSpace
The NYU Prototyping Fund awards multi-disciplinary teams of NYU students from across the University funding (up to $500 for Phase 1) to build hardware or software prototypes, and connects them with the resources, tools, and mentors they need to bring their ideas to life.
VIP Mid-Atlantic Conference
FRI, DEC 7 at 12:00 PM
Design Lab at the NYU Tandon MakerSpace
Attend the conference to see displays from different Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) teams from across the region and showcase your projects to the VIP consortium.