
OHL North America Presentation

Career Development,
Workshop / Training
For NYU Community

OHL North America Logo

OHL North America merges the latest innovations and a strong regional presence with over 100 years of legacy to deliver North America's most complex infrastructure and construction projects. The company has more than 2,000 engineering and construction professionals across the region and specializes in the design, financing, construction, and modernization of highways, tunnels, bridges, rail, transit, and water systems, hospitals, and schools. OHL NA is the North American division of Obrascón Haurte Lain (OHL Group), an international construction and concessions company headquartered in Madrid, Spain.

From its regional headquarters located in College Point, New York, OHL NA oversees operations in nine states including Florida, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, and California. Divisions within these locations include:

· OHL USA, Inc.
· Community Asphalt Corp.
· Judlau Contracting, Inc.
· Arellano Construction
· OHL Building, Inc.

OHL North America's mission is to build quality infrastructure which connects people and business from coast to coast. Our company's continued success rises from a foundation of dedicated employees, local and global expertise, and innovation solution. As OHL NA's influence in the industry grows, we view cooperative education students, interns, and graduate recruits from the nation's leading universities as an invaluable part of that foundation.

We hope you will join us at OHL North America’s information session to learn more about company culture, active projects, and available employment opportunities!

RSVP via Careernet.
Note the NEW DATE: Thursday, October 18th