
7th Annual Conference on Human Capital Innovation in Technology & Analytics

Conference / Symposium
Open to the Public

Learn How Analytics Can Address Career and Talent Management Issues

“Career Matching & Tracking Analytics: New Frontiers in Driving Talent Management”

This free afternoon conference is presented by the Department of Technology Management and Innovation at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering in cooperation with Poly-SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management student chapter) and IHRIM (International Association of Human Resource Information Management).

Conference sessions include human capital analytics experts from IBM, Mercer, PepsiCo and SAP SuccessFactors.

Leading firms are revising their approaches to career matching and tracking, which are central in creating effective talent management systems to recruit, develop and retain hard-to- replace high performers and knowledge workers. Effective matching and tracking of top talent can play a critical role in an organization’s achieving its human capital strategic goals in the face of intense competition for the best performers. In recognition of this challenge, firms are focusing on innovative research in human capital analytics to improve career matching and tracking that can promote individual as well as organizational success.

This conference brings together thought leaders and experts from industry and academia to discuss new analytic approaches to career matching and tracking for driving the various facets of talent management. The conference will be attended by executives, managers and professionals, who range from human capital analytics experts to HR generalists, as well as faculty and students from various disciplines. This is a valuable opportunity to network with leaders in this emerging field and learn about how cutting-edge career matching and tracking analytics can help win the “War for Talent.”

This program has been approved for 4.5 credit hours from IHRIM (International Association of Human Resource Information Management) for HRIP (Human Resource Information Professional) certification. Exhibits include vendors presenting their services and/or products.

12:00 Noon - 6:00 pm (followed by networking buffet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

Online participation available.