As more tools and applications continue to be built in media leveraging VR/AR technologies, it's important for corporations and startups to understand those advancements and the potential use cases they offer for their individual businesses. Join as we bring together a group of corporate experts, academics, and startup professionals to discuss the current state of media in NY, and how mixed reality (AR/VR) technology is shaping their company's strategy and how they see mixed reality growing in use and adoption.
Marcelle Hopkins - Codirector of Virtual Reality, NY Times
Rori DuBoff - Managing Director, Content Innovation, Accenture Interactive
Mike Woods - Director of Immersive Content, m ss ng p eces
Justin Hendrix (Moderator) - Executive Director at NYC Media Lab
Jacob Loewenstein - Business Development & Product Strategy, Samsung NEXT
K. R. Sreenivasan - Dean of NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Price: $15