
"All Things Bakelite" Film Screening

For NYU Community

The Office of Student Affairs, the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, and the Department of Technology, Culture, & Society are excited to welcome Hugh Karraker, great-grandson of Leo H. Baekeland, to campus for a special screening of All Things Bakelite: The Age of Plastic, a film by John Maher.

In 1907, Leo Hendrik Baekeland, a Belgian-born American chemist, made one of the most transformative discoveries of the 20th century: Bakelite. It was the first wholly synthetic plastic and it ushered in an explosion of new man-made materials that marked the beginnings of our modern industrial age. The film is a virtual periodic table of elements that combine to create a joyous and provocative story about the “father of modern plastics”.

The film will be screened on Wednesday, November 29 at 6:30 PM in the Pfizer Auditorium with a Q&A with film director John Maher and special guests to follow the film.

Light refreshments and food will be served during a pre-screening reception at 6:00 PM that will feature a display of Baekeland family heirlooms and Bakelite items.