Join us at our 3rd annual Diversity in STEM Summit where we will explore the theme, “Shaping the Future” as we look at current and future trends in smart cities, technology, augmented and virtual reality, cybersecurity and the field of energy.
We will be giving away raffle prizes at each of our three signature events.
Breakfast: "Technology and Cybersecurity: Reshaping the Diversity Landscape"
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
LC400, 5 MetroTech Center
Fostering diversity helps the technology and cybersecurity industry find new perspectives. When security and technology professionals have a broader lens through which to look at challenges in their fields, they will be able to provide better solutions.
What is the competitive advantage of a diverse workforce within these industries; what does this mean as you enter your STEM career and how can you disrupt homogeneity? Our presenters will address these topics and share their own innovative and exciting work in their respective fields.
Featured Presenters:
- Angel Rich, Founder and CEO, The Wealth Factory
- Timothy Summers, Director, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Engagement Program at the University of Maryland’s College of Informational Studies
Breakfast will be served and there will be a raffle for a Mynt3d Professional Printing Pen.
Luncheon Lightning Talks "Smart Cities: The Future is Here"
12 PM - 1:30 PM
MakerSpace Event Space, 6 MetroTech Center
Why does diversity matter in the smart city space? How do we maintain the diversity of ideas and possibilities? In our multi-ethnic urban landscape and how do our local communities benefit, optimize and participate in these decisions?
Over lunch you’ll hear “Lightning Talk” presenters address these questions and more!
Featured Presenters:
- Bruce Lincoln, Co-Founder, Silicon Harlem
- Sergio A. Fernández de Córdova, Chairman, P3 Smart Cities Partners
- Justin Hendrix, Executive Director, NYC Media Lab
Lunch will be served and there will be a raffle for a Mynt3d Professional Printing Pen.
Keynote Dinner and Alumni Award Presentation
6 PM - 8:30 PM
MakerSpace Event Space, 6 MetroTech Center
Join us for dinner to hear inspiring messages from faculty and special guests including featured alumnus, Dr. Eugene DeLoatch, founding Dean of Morgan State University School of Engineering. Network with invited corporate and industry partners as well as alumni and entrepreneurs.
Dinner will be served and there will be a raffle for an Oculus VR system.