Summer I-Corps 2018: Info-Session 1

Join the NYU Summer I-Corps 2018!
Summer I-Corps 2018
Converting your ideas to products: Get started with NYU I-Corps Funding
CIE Institute welcomes the undergraduates, the graduate students, and the post-doctoral candidates to attend the NSF funded NYU Summer I-Corps 2018 Info- Sessions. Students will be introduced about Summer I-Corps 2018, and will also be able to interact with the successful candidates from Summer I-Corps 2017. The info-sessions will be held on 26th October, from 2:30 P.M to 3:30 P.M, and 27th October, from 6:00 P.M to 7:00 P.M. Join us for either of the above mentioned info-sessions.
The NYU I-Corps summer program uses the Lean LaunchPad methodology to show the teams how to develop a STEM idea into a viable commercial product and commercialize it. Each team will receive initial funding to create a prototype and be eligible to apply for additional funding of $1,000 to $3,000 by successfully completing the program.
Participants in the program, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, will also learn how the skills learned through entrepreneurship can make them better scientists or engineers.
The program is committed to improving diversity in STEM entrepreneurship, so women and students of color are encouraged to apply. A portion of the program during the summer will be devoted to exploring the challenges facing diversity in STEM entrepreneurship.
Benefits to the program are:
● Funding to produce prototypes for successful participants.
● Training in the Lean LaunchPad methodology.
● Partnerships with technical and business mentors.
● Validation of customers and minimum viable product.
For more information about Summer I- Corps 2018, please visit here.
Space is limited, so please select a time for one of the sessions using the EventBrite links:
Session 1: 26th October, 2:30 P.M to 3:30 P.M at MakerSpace
Session 2: 27th October, 6:00 P.M to 7:00 P.M at MakerSpace
For any questions, reach us at
Team CIE