CUE/ASCE Met Section Infrastructure Seminar

ASCE MET Section Infrastructure
Present a technical lecture:
Structural Health Monitoring Using Technology to Supplement Bridge Inspections
The American Society of Civil Engineers’ Report Card for America’s Infrastructure gave the nation’s bridge stock a C+. Too many bridges are considered structurally deficient and put the safety of the public and the economic viability of the nation at risk. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a potentially transformative technology that can help bridge owners manage their stock more effectively. SHM requires a multidisciplinary approach that can take data output from sensors, process it, analyze it, and then present it in a form that the responsible engineer can use. This lecture will present an overview of a multi-metric, autonomous SHM system that has been implemented on a historic steel truss railroad bridge. The bridge is a swing span over the Mississippi River that joins Rock Island, IL and Davenport, IA. The development of the system from data acquisition, to feature selection, to statistical process control, and finally to data interpretation with damage detection algorithms will be presented.
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Time: Refreshments served at 5:30 pm Lecture from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Location: NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Dibner Building, Room LC 400 - 5 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY
Continuing Education: 1.5 PDHs
Cost: ASCE Met Section Members
– Free ASCE Members -- $15 Non‐members – $25
Registration: ( by 9/18/2017
Sponsorships are available for this lecture and for other Infrastructure Group events. Please contact us at if you are interested.