How to Sabotage Additive Manufacturing & Can we do anything about it?
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Summer 2017 Seminar Series
Speaker: Dr. Mark Yampolskiy
Additive Manufacturing (AM), a.k.a. 3D Printing, is a rapidly growing multibillion dollar industry. Because of numerous socioeconomic, environmental, and technical advantages, AM is increasingly used to manufacture functional parts, including components of safety critical systems in aerospace, automotive, and other industries. Rapid adoption of this manufacturing technology in combination with its dependence on computerization raises security concerns.
AM Security is a fairly new field of research that aims to address novel threats emerged together with this manufacturing technology. This talk will provide an introduction into the field in its current state. Focusing on AM Sabotage, one of the identified threat categories, Mark Yampolskiy will cover research performed by both his research collaboration and other research teams. The talk will first present an overview of attacks shown in the literature, distinguishing between Attack Vectors, Compromised Elements, Manipulations, and Effects. Then newly proposed approaches will be outlined that aim to counter the threat. Selected attack and defense measures proposed by Mark Yampolskiy’s research collaboration will be discussed in more details.
Short Bio
Mark Yampolskiy received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany. He currently holds an Assistant Professor position at the University of South Alabama.
Since his post-doctoral appointment at Vanderbilt University, Mark
Yampolskiy is performing research on Security of Cyber-Physical
Systems (CPS). Mark Yampolskiy was among the researchers who
pioneered Security of Additive Manufacturing (AM, a.k.a. 3D Printing)
around 2014. AM Security remains his major research interest ever since. His work is predominantly associated with two threat categories, sabotage of 3D-printed functional parts and theft of intellectual property. He has numerous publications in the field, ranging from attacks on/with AM up to novel approaches for the detection of such attacks.
In order to address the challenges of this highly interdisciplinary research field, Mark Yampolskiy has established research collaboration with experts from different disciplines. His major collaboration partners are affiliated with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Auburn University (AU), Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel, and Singapore University of Technology and
Design (SUTD), Singapore.