Total Risk and Project Valuation

Dear All,
You are cordially invited to attend the FRE Lecture scheduled on Tuesday, February 28th at 2PM in LC 400 (Dibner Building - 5 Metrotech Center). Our invited guest is David Shimko, Founder of CreditCircle and FRE Adjunct Professor who will present a lecture on the following topic:
Total Risk and Project Valuation
Modern corporate finance is taught like Newtonian physics, with idealized assumptions of "perfect" and "complete" markets driving theories of valuation in a frictionless world. In the imperfect real world, this sometimes leads to unsupportable valuations of risky cash flows and the poor financial decisions that result. This talk shows several examples of questionable valuations, and how a newly developed set of simple analytic tools can address these problems.
No special knowledge of finance beyond present value and basic statistics will be required for this talk.
David Shimko has just joined FRE as an Adjunct Professor teaching Corporate Finance. His academic history include posts at HBS, Kellogg (Northwestern), and NYU Courant. He has published extensively in both the academic and trade literature on valuation, derivatives, risk management, commodities and credit. He has worked at JPMorgan in commodity derivatives and credit research, and built Risk Capital, an award-winning independent risk management consulting enterprise. He was Chairman of the Global Association of Risk Professionals and served on private, nonprofit and public boards of directors. Most recently, he founded CreditCircle, an internet startup company focusing on consumer credit.
We look forwarding to seeing you there. Refreshments will be served. Please mark your calendars.