
New York Multidisciplinary Symposium on Security and Privacy

Conference / Symposium
For NYU Community

The aim of the symposium is to introduce interdisciplinary research topics to students and researchers, while bringing together mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, and social scientists who are engaged in various aspects of security and privacy.

Please register for the event by filling out this form.

Plenary speakers will include:

Giuseppe Ateniese, David and GG Farber Endowed Chair in Computer Science and Department Director at Stevens Institute of Technology

Justin Cappos, Assistant Professor, NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Member of the Center for Cybersecurity

Mooi Choo Chuah, Professor, Lehigh University

Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Senior Scientist at Applied Communication Sciences, a Vencore company; Adjunct Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Helen F Nissenbaum, Professor and  Director of the Information Law Institute, New York University

Kurt Rohloff, Associate Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology