
Mechatronics Education Innovation

Workshop / Training
For NYU Community

An NSF-funded workshop on designing a foundation for the future of mechatronics education

Mechatronics, as a discipline, is influencing some of the most progressive and important conversations on the global engineering campus. The Internet of Things is beginning to make demands on our programs to deliver a more modern and complete treatment of the necessary skills, methodologies, and technologies to meet the technical challenges.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering has recently taken a leadership role in facilitating a long-needed discussion on the best practices for mechatronics education at the undergraduate, graduate, and two-year college level. In June of this year, NYU Tandon convened an initial workshop to explore the issues in program development. Subsequently, NYU Tandon received NSF support for a follow-up workshop to be held November 14-15, 2016 to continue this discussion.

In this next, expanded workshop, organizers will facilitate a discussion that includes input from industry and international academic best practice. Panelists from various companies and institutions that have successfully launched mechatronics programs will offer an inside view on what to do, what not to do, and what is really needed in industry. This workshop solicits participation from faculty representing institutions that are interested in building a progressive new program or those that have already deployed a progressive program and want to share their experience. Participants from mechatronics and robotics industries are also invited to share industry perspectives. 

The event will be live streamed at