The Cyber Security Summit, an exclusive C-Suite conference series, connects senior level executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts.
Join us for innovative insights into the brilliant thought leadership our experts provide with an all-inclusive catered breakfast, lunch & cocktail reception. Learn about the latest Security Solutions at the Technology Showcase featuring innovations in Cyber Defense.
The Cyber Security Summit, a national series spanning across six key regions, brings experts from The FBI, The NSA, The US Secret Service, Intel Security, Alert Logic, and dozens of other thought leaders from security solution companies to educate our executive level audience which crosses over numerous industries. Some topics in this series include IOT Security, Big Data Breaches, and U.S. Policy.
Register Now at CyberSummitUSA.com for 50% off, with Promo-Code “NYUPoly16” to secure your admission.