Dirty Bombs: An NYC Multi-Agency Perspective
The International Center for Enterprise Prepardness (INTERCEP) presents a LIVE Web Forum on dirty bombs, also known as radiological dispersion devices, and their potential impacts. These devices continue to pose a tangible threat and would require a multi-agency response in a real event.
Joining us to lead the discussion will be:
Mark Maiello, PhD, Radiation Projects Planning Manager at New York City Department of Health
Andrew Karam, PhD, CHP, a board-certified radiation safety professional with 34 years experience in his field
Eliot Calhoun a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Planner in NYC Emergency Management’s (NYCEM) Planning and Preparedness Division
Robert Ingram is FDNY Battalion Chief and has 25 years of hazardous material operations assignments and is currently assigned to the Center for Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness.