After several successful stagings, NYU Libraries, IT, and Data Services are back with the 4th annual GIS event: GIS Day 2015 @ NYU. An all things "GIS" information fair, taking place on Wednesday, November 18th in the Bobst Library Research Commons (5th Floor), the event aims at continuing to build and nurture NYU’s GIS community by bringing attention to the GIS resources at NYU, raising awareness of the value of using GIS tools, and showcasing the exciting GIS and spatial research being conducted here at NYU and NYU Global.
- Information booths showcasing exciting spatial research by various departments and institutes of NYU using GIS technology
- Panel discussion of GIS tools and uses
- Map gallery featuring user created maps – (please submit your best map by Nov. 4, 2015)
- Mapping demos & web mapping applications
- GIS Day maping competition (submission deadline also Nov 4, 2015 –– see our website for details)
Please mark your calendars, submit your maps, participate in our annual map competition, spread the word, and join us in celebrating World GIS Day. It's come and go as you like, and light refreshments will be served, so please stop by!
To register and for more information click: GIS Day Registration
- What: GIS Day 2015 @ NYU
- Where: Bobst Library, 5th Floor, Research Commons
- When: Wednesday, November 18, 12-5pm
- Sponsors: NYU Libraries, IT, Data Services