Protecting data is one of the greatest challenges that society and policy makers are facing in the 21st century. Professor Mina Teicher will describe the risks involved in cyber attacks and current trends in cyber security.
Dr. Mina Teicher is the directer of the Emmy Noether Research Institute and is a professor of mathematics and neural computation at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Her research interests include complex systems ( finance, health system) , cryptography and artificial vision.
She is former VP for R&D at Bar-Ilan (in charge also on a Technology transfer) and served as Israel's chief scientist in the ministry of science (in charge also on the space agency). She is also former chair of the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation.
Dr. Teicher consults widely on technology transfer and innovation policies for governments and serves as an evaluator of technologies to investment banks and private investors.
She is especially active in mentoring young women. She sits on the board of the International Women's Forum and has served as an advisor for the European Commission on Women in Science for 2020.
Currently, she is chair of the Wolf Foundation Grant Committee, chair of the Israel National Committee of R&D International Relations, vice chair of the Advisory Board for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) of the European Commission, founding member of UNESCO Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC), and a gues professor at New York University Tandon School of Engineering.
Dr. Teicher received her PhD from Tel Aviv University and completed her post-doctoral studies at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study.