Finance and Emerging Economics: A Geopolitical Perspective of Africa

With Bouchra Benhida, University Hassan I.
The African and emerging economy countries and the Geopolitical environment have changed. Actually, due to the first global financial crisis of the 21stcentury, the global financial system has also adapted. The center of economic and financial power has shifted from the West to the South and East, which is reflected in the replacement of the G7 by the G20 as the major actor in international coordination. Currently, the relationship between the West and the rest of the world is now diametrically reversed in its demographic and economic aspects. The current geopolitical environment with wars and financial competitiveness between countries will affect the future of finance as well.
Bouchra Rahmouni Benhida is a Professor at Hassan I University of Morocco. She has a PhD in International Economics. Rahmouni is an international affiliated Professor at New York University – USA and a Visiting Professor at Holy Spirit University – Lebanon. Also, Rahmouni is a distinguished Professor of Geopolitics at Grenoble School of Management – France. Professor Rahmouni contributed in a book titled “Afrique : Terre des nouvelles convoitises“ edited by Ellipse in September 2011. She also took part in a book on women entrepreneurship: “Femme et entrepreneur: c’est possible!” which is published by Pearson in November 2012. Other book titled: "Geopolitics in Mediterranean Area" published in April 2013 by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) / another book titled "Geopolitique de la condition féminine " in Major Collection of Presses Universitaire de France, December 2013/"Le basculement économique et géopolitique du monde, le poids et la diversité des pays émergents “" published by l'Harmattan- France, November 2013.