
Hacking Hardware: Arduino Intermediate Workshop

Student Life
For NYU Community

Learn the basics of hardware, best practices, and how to improve your projects!

Co-hosted with Tech@NYU as part of NYU Startup Week and sponsored by the Greenhouse, this event will be an intermediate workshop on using the Arduino microcontroller to get started on making your own projects.

IMPORTANT: Please come with your own laptop and the Arduino software installed on your system: If you have your own Arduino, please bring it as well.

No previous experience required, but basic programming knowledge (such as loops, if statements, variable declaration, and function declaration) would make understanding the C-based Arduino language a lot easier. However if you have no prior coding knowledge, this workshop would be a great intro!

Here's a bunch of cool things you can make with Arduino!

If you already have experience with Arduino and would like to help others or just talk to other enthusiasts and show them what you've made, please come out and join us as well!