How Good Is One's Upright Balance At A Given Body State?

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Department Seminar Series
3/23 (Monday) 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm RH331
How Good Is One's Upright Balance At A Given Body State?
Mohammad Hadi Honarvar, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
RTC Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research
RIKEN Innovation Center
RIKEN Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Quantification of one’s upright stability at an arbitrary dynamical situation of their body is the matter of this talk.
It's a contribution in the field of Movement Biomechanics, employing simple to moderate mathematics in order to develop a fundamental tool for human movement study/analysis, with an eye on human-interactive robotics.
The most common metric for one's balance at a body state will be introduced, then a new metric will be suggested, discussed, and compared to the conventional one. The idea will be strengthen with development of an analytic method for part of the computations.
Mohammad Hadi Honarvar, RIKEN Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.
Hadi is currently a research scientist in RTC center for Human-Interactive Robot Research, RIKEN Innovation Center. He has received his BSc (2006) in Mechanical Engineering-Dynamics&Control: developing a computationally-light approach to a bundle of nonlinear optimal control problems, and MSc (2009) in Mechanical Engineering-Biomechanics: model identification for weight distribution patterns on legs in presence of pain in dairy cattle, both from Sharif Univ. of Tech., Tehran, Iran, and PhD (2013) in Mechanical Engineering: human balance and posture control; upright stability and feasible movements, from Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan. He joined RIKEN in Sep. 2013 and engaged in safety and stability control of a care-receiver patient being carried by the nursing-care assistant robot: RoBear (formerly called RIBA), developed in RIKEN for transferring mobility-impaired patients between bed and [wheel]chair.