Speaker: Nan Cao, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Social media, like Twitter, has been widely used for disseminating and exchanging information, opinions, and emotions about events happening across the world. In this talk, I introduce visualization tools for tracing the process of information diffusion over social media. In particular, I highlight the social, spatiotemporal processes of diffusion based on novel designs driven by various visual metaphors. These designs facilitate an understanding of the 5W elements of information diffusion, including who, when, where, and how various types of information (e.g., sentiments and topics) are dispersed for large-scale events, such as election campaigns and earthquakes, as a tool witnessing today's information consumption and dispersion in the wild.
Dr. Nan Cao is a Research Staff Member and visualization project leader in the Graph Computing and Social Cognitive Analytics Group at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He received Ph.D degree in computer science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His primary research interests are in the fields of information visualization and visual analysis. He has published over 20 papers and filed multiple patents in this field. Please refer to http://nancao.org for more information about him.
For more information, contact Nasir Memon.