
Visualization of Temporal Event Sequences

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Speaker: Catherine Plaisant, University or Maryland

Sequences of events are part of people's life, their travel, hospital visits, or web browsing experiences. Specifying temporal queries to explore collections of event sequences can be challenging even for skilled computer professionals.  We will review the visualization techniques developed at the Human-Computer Interaction lab over the years to handle such temporal data.  Our early strategies allowed for aligning records on important events, ranking and filtering, and aggregation of patterns in potent overviews. Newer approaches explore simplification techniques that address volume and diversity issues to reveal patterns of interest.  Life demonstrations and case studies reports will focus on electronic health record examples.


Catherine Plaisant is a Senior Research Scientist at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab of the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. She earned a Doctorat d'Ingénieur degree in France and joined Ben Shneiderman and the HCIL in 1987. She has written over 100 refereed technical publications on diverse subjects such as of information visualization, evaluation methods, electronic health record user interfaces, accessibility, technology for families, etc. She co-authored with Ben Shneiderman the 4th and 5th Editions of Designing the User Interface, one of the major books on the topic of Human-Computer Interaction.

For more information, contact Enrico Bertini ( )