Microengineered Biomaterials and Biosystems for Translational Medicine
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Department Seminar Series
02/26 (Wednesday) 11:00 am – Noon LC 433
Microengineered Biomaterials and Biosystems for Translational Medicine
Dr. Weiqiang Chen
Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
Many exciting topics exist at the interface between biology and micro/nanotechnology. Taking advantages of state-of-art nanotechnologies and fabricating fascinating functional biomaterials and integrated biosystems, we can address numerous important problems in fundamental biology as well as clinical applications in disease diagnosis and treatment. This seminar will discuss interdisciplinary researches that leveraging the engineering advances in biomaterials, microfluidics and advanced manufacturing for new and better solutions for emerging problems in cancer biology, systems immunology, and stem cell-based regenerative medicine. These novel micro/nanoengineered functional biomaterials and biosystems will not only permit advances in engineering but also greatly contribute to improving human health.
Weiqiang Chen is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Michigan. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from Nanjing University in 2005 and the M.S. degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008 and Purdue University in 2009 both in Electrical Engineering. He is the receipt of American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship, the 2013 Baxter Young Investigator Award for distinguished research for critical care therapies, the University of Michigan Richard F. & Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research, and the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society Student/Young Researcher Award.