
From Spamhaus to Our House

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Speaker: Bud Mishra, NYU Courant


In March of 2013, what started as a minor dispute between Spamhaus and Cyberbunker culminated in a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that was so massive, it was claimed to have slowed internet speeds around the globe. The attack clogged servers with dummy internet traffic at a rate of about 300 gigabits per second. By comparison, the largest observed DDoS attacks typically against banks had thus far registered only 50 gigabits per second. The record breaking Spamhaus/Cyberbunker conflict arose 13 years after the publication of best practices on preventing DDoS attacks, and it was not an isolated event.

Recently, NYU's Courant Institute and Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute have collaboratively devised a game-theoretic approaches to address various cyber security problems involving exchange of information (asymmetrically). This research aims to discover and understand complex structures of malicious use cases within the context of secure systems with the goal of developing an incentives-based measurement system that ensures a high level of resilience to attack. The talk will be self-contained building up on a discussion of game-theory, signaling games, deception, handicap principle,credible and non-crdeible threats, evolutionarily stable strategies, etc.


Bud Mishra is a professor of computer science and mathematics at NYU's Courant Institute, a professor of human genetics at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and a professor of cell biology at NYU School of Medicine. He is also a visiting scholar at CSHL's Simons Center for Quantitative Biology, and an adjunct professor at TIFR in Mumbai, India. He is a founder of two biotech companies: OpGen and MRTechnology, as well as others related to computing, data-sciences, finance, and nano-technology.