Event Details
On November 6, 2013 @ 5:00pm, join the Design Tinkering Club for the free screening of the documentary, FIXED! This very special event will be followed by a panel discussion with Paul Horn, Vice Provost for Research at NYU, Chris Leslie, Faculty in Technology, Culture and Society at NYU-Poly, and Aryeh Katz, Head Engineer at Bio-Cep.
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM: Refreshments
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Screening
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM: Panel Discussion
About the Movie:
FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
Director Regan Brashear questions commonly held beliefs about disability and normalcy by exploring technologies that promise to change our bodies and mind forever. FIXED takes a close look at the drive to be “better than human” and the radical technological innovations that may take us there.
For more information about this movie, visit www.fixedthemovie.com
On our panelists:
Dr. Paul Horn - Senior Vice Provost for Research at NYU
Dr. Horn was named NYU Distinguished Scientist in Residence in September of 2007 and Senior Vice Provost for Research in September 2009. Prior to his NYU position he was Senior Vice President of the IBM Corporation and Executive Director of Research. In this job he directed IBM’s worldwide Research program with 3200 technical employees in eight sites in five countries around the world, and helped guide IBM’s overall technical strategy. In his 28 years with IBM, Dr. Horn was a champion for translating technology based research into marketplace opportunities. Under his leadership IBM Research produced an unmatched string of technological breakthroughs, including the chess-playing supercomputer Deep Blue, the world's first copper chip, the giant magneto-resistive head (GMR), strained silicon (a discovery that allows chips to run up to 35 percent faster), and BlueGene the world’s fastest supercomputer that brought computing leadership back to the United States.
Chris Leslie - Instructor - Media, Science and Technology studies
Christopher Leslie is codirector of the Science and Technology Studies program and is the academic advisor for students in that major and in Sustainable Urban Environments. He teaches courses in the history of new media, the history of science, multicultural U.S. literature, and science fiction.
Before coming to Poly, Dr. Leslie worked as an editor at a management services consulting firm and taught at John Jay College and Hunter College. He began teaching at Poly in the fall of 2001, and in 2006 he designed the Science and Technology Studies major with Professor Jonathan Bain. In 2007, he took his doctorate from the City University of New York Graduate Center in English with a focus on American Studies. He is currently preparing a book manuscript based on his dissertation, tentatively titled "From Hyperspace to Hypertext: Social Construction of Science and Technology in Science Fiction."
Aryeh Katz Head engineer at BioCep and Miri Katz Independent Design Professional
Aryeh and Miri started Bio-Cep where they build cheap product that allows amputees and the disabled to use things around them that their disabilities inhibit them from using. After a lot of iterations, market reasearch and prototyping, they finally came up with a product that anyone, not just the disabled, can use.
Their knowledge about disablities and the use of technology to overcome them will be a great addition to this panel.