
North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Numerical Modeling Engineering Modeling of Future Scenarios Meeting
Co-Sponsored by Polytechnic Institute of New York University and US Army Corps of Engineers

Meeting Objective: Technical Exchange, Partnering and Collaboration regarding the Computing of the Joint Probability of Hurricane Sandy and Historical Coastal Storm Forcing Parameters from Maine to Virginia

Featuring the following presentations:

June 12

North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study

Computing the Joint Probability of Hurrican Sandy and Historical Coastal Storm Forcing Parameters from Maine to Virginia (Part I)

Computing the Joint Probability of Hurrican Sandy and Historical Coastal Storm Forcing Parameters from Maine to Virginia (Part II)

Approaches to Analyzing Coastal Flooding due to Tropical Cyclones and Extra-tropical Storms

Large Scale Storm Tide and Super-High Resolution Local Inundation Modeling for Hurricane Sandy (excerpt)

Still Water Level Model Development and Application

Using ADCIRC in a predictive mode for coastal storm surge prediction in the New York Bight/Harbor/estuaries with emphasis on superstorm Sandy

Some Questions/Observations About Numerical Modeling of Future Scenarios

Mapping, monitoring, and modeling: USGS Coastal and Marine Geology activities along the Northeast coast

Realization/Prediction of Sea Level Rise in NYC Utilizing Teleconnections and Climate Change Scenarios (excerpt)

Using Atmospheric Models and Ensembles on a Variety of Time and Spatial Scales to Improve Predictions of Sandy, Storm Surge, and Future Changes in Coastal Storms

June 13

Storm Selection Suite: What is process?

ERDC's Coastal Storm Modeling System

ADCIRC Mesh Development

CSTORM Validation Approach

USACE Model Skill Assessments

Computational Resources and Processing