Dallas-area alumni, your alma mater is visiting your city in April. Join Rena Rutkovsky, Alumni Relations Officer & Lorna Malcolm-Lessard, Senior Development Officer for dinner and to spend time with fellow Polytechnic alumni living in and near Dallas.
Alumni and friends will also have the opportunity to hear from Professor William Hery, a Research Professor in the NYU-Poly Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Hery will be speaking on "Multi-disciplinary Programs in Cybersecurity at NYU-Poly, and how a Poly Topologist Wound Up Fighting the Malicious Hackers". Below is a synopsis.
Cybersecurity is a critical issue today, with so much of our personal lives, professional activities, critical infrastructure, and national security dependent on computers and networks. There are both fascinating open questions for scientific research, and lots of open jobs without enough people to fill them. This talk will present a brief overview of the NYU-Poly cybersecurity programs that have grown from a few courses in Computer Science to graduate degree programs and funded research in CSE and ECE that also include interdisciplinary work with business, policy, law, and psychology faculty in other departments at NYU-Poly and schools at NYU.
Dr. Hery will also discuss how his broad Poly education enabled him to move from abstract mathematics to information security, with stops at financial modeling, energy systems, and computer architecture--and find true love along the way.
Registration for the Dallas Alumni Gathering is now closed. Please call Rena Rutkovsky, Alumni Relations Officer at (347) 371-0956 with questions concerning this gathering.