
ECE-CSE Information Session

For NYU Community

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Information Session

All prospective students, including undeclared majors, are invited to discover the remarkable versatility of electrical & computer engineering, and computer science engineering at NYU-Poly. Find out how you can revolutionize robotics, design modern devices, find cures for today’s diseases, design air defense systems, develop the next generation of video games, create new ways to communicate and so much more.

Please note: The ECE-CSE Information Session is now full. Please fill out our online form to be added to the waitlist.


9:30 a.m.
Doors open

10:00 a.m.
Overview of NYU-Poly and its electrical and computer engineering, and computer science engineering programs. Hear from several faculty members, as well as NYU-Poly graduate Billy Gordon, class of 2012, who will discuss student life in the electrical engineering program.

11:00 a.m.
Tour of NYU-Poly's  ECE and CSE laboratories

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(Please note: The optional "Lemon-Powered Car" afternoon session is completely full and registration has been closed.)
For those individuals interested in participating in an Introduction to Engineering hands-on lab experience, we are offering an additional session called the "Lemon-Powered Car." Space is limited to 54 participants. For those staying for the second session, lunch will be served.