Any place is a good place to earn your degree with NYU-ePoly. Accessing the Internet has never been easier, faster, or more economical, making it possible to take graduate classes with NYU-ePoly wherever and whenever you like – at work, at home, from 35,000 feet as you fly to meet a client or return from a hard-earned vacation.
Attend our NYU-ePoly Graduate Online Learning Webinar and learn more about:
- NYU-ePoly’s rankings and accreditations
- Graduate degree programs in Bioinformatics; Cybersecurity; Wireless Innovation; Organizational Behavior; Electrical, Industrial, Manufacturing, Systems or Computer Engineering ... and more!
- On-demand lectures to attend online at your convenience and 24/7 access to course materials, lectures and assignments through Blackboard
- Application procedures for the Spring 2013 semester
For more information about our online graduate program, please visit: engineering.nyu.edu/nyuepoly