All Poly alumni are invited to attend the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association (PIAA). This year, the PIAA is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Bern Dibner Library. A vote to revise the PIAA bylaws and the election of additional International Board of Directors (IBOD) officers will take place. There will be a reception directly following the Annual Meeting to give alumni the chance to re-connect with one another and tour the library.
If you are unable to attend in person, you are encouraged to vote by proxy.
Proposed Revisions to the PIAA Bylaws
The Alumni Association's Nominating Committee has presented the following candidates to join the International Board of Directors in accordance with the PIAA bylaws.
One candidate will be chosen for each respective seat.
IBOD Seat #1 (3 year term):
Philip Furgang '60 (bio)
Gil Zweig '60 (bio)
IBOD Seat #2 (3 year term):
Steve Garone '73 (bio)
Dele Oladapo '93 (bio)
IBOD Seat #3 (3 year term):
Cheryl McNear '92 (bio)
Patrick Xantus '93 (bio)
IBOD Seat #4 (3 year term):
Robert Migliore '87 (bio)
Joel Fernandez '11 (bio)
Meeting Documents:
2012 Annual Meeting of the PIAA Agenda