Visual Analytics: Building the Science of Analytical Reasoning Facilitated by Visual Interfaces
Speaker: Enrico Bertini, University of Konstanz, Germany
In this talk I introduce visual analytics, the discipline that studies how to
help people make sense of data by taking advantage of automatic data analysis
and interactive visualization. By using visual analytics, domain experts can
literally look into their data and use the remarkable capabilities of human
vision to spot trends, find correlations and derive useful insights out of
data. The talk revolves around two key challenges: making visual analytics
more scalable and evaluating visual analytics systems. For each challenge I
show examples and research results coming from my own research and propose reflections on future necessary work to advance the state of field.
Dr. Enrico Bertini is a research associate at the Visualization and Data
Analysis Group, University of Konstanz, Germany. He obtained his Ph.D. from
the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, with a thesis on clutter
reduction in information visualization. Later, he moved to the University of
Fribourg, Switzerland, where he worked on information visualization applied
to network security. At the University of Konstanz he was part of the INCIDE
center, an interdisciplinary consortium to help biologists and biochemists
make sense of their data. His main research interest is visual analytics, with
a specific focus on large and high-dimensional data, integration of automatic
and interactive data analysis, and evaluation.