Interference Management for Advanced LTE Spectrum Solutions
Speaker: Dr. Zinan Lin
Faculty host: Professor Elza Erkip
The rapid development of mobile technology requires more bandwidth to support video and data-intensive applications. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that by 2014, mobile device traffic will increase by 35x over 2009 levels. While the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard and other advances may provide up to a fivefold increase in capacity, this increase is far below the projected demand. Dynamic spectrum management (DSM) is one of the comprehensive approaches to reducing the anticipated strain on the network by taking advantage of underutilized spectrum, such as TV white space (TVWS). In most cases, TVWS channels could be shared by multiple secondary networks. This introduces unpredictable interference situations and requires enhanced power control and interference management schemes to solve uncoordinated interference problems.
In this talk, we will first show the vision of future network of network and the concept of TVWS. Second, we will give an overview of Radio Resource Management (RRM) technologies supported by the LTE/LTE-advanced (LTE-A) standards. Particularly, we focus on the power control and interference management technologies. Last, we will present challenges of the interference management of LTE operation in TVWS and propose potential power control mechanisms and interference management solutions used in license exempt bands, e.g., TVWS bands.
About the Speaker
Zinan Lin received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Polytechnic Institute of NYU, M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore and B.E. degree in information engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. She joined InterDigital in 2006, where she is currently a Staff Engineer in the Advanced Cognitive Network-Dynamic Spectrum management (ACN-DSM) group. The team is mainly responsible for the development, simulation, and prototyping of architecture and algorithms regarding the intelligent and efficient management of wireless spectrum. Her research interests are in information theory, cross-layer design and architecture development of wireless communication systems. She is an inventor/co-inventor on 10 granted and numerous pending US patents. She has been awarded the CTO innovation and Lucy A. Mahjoubian Distinguished Publication awards at InterDigital in 2009 and 2010 respectively.