
Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW)

Conference / Symposium
For NYU Community

The 8th annual Cyber Security Awareness Week (or CSAW, pronounced see-saw) brings 400 of the nation’s top cybersecurity scholars, high school students and international professionals to campus Nov. 10-11. It is one of the biggest student events of NYU-Poly’s academic year – and it is also one of the broadest and biggest student cybersecurity competitions in the world.  Each challenge is headed by a cybersecurity student of the ISIS Lab – designed with security professionals to make them fun and informational to everyone from beginners to experts. Even those who never took a cybersecurity class can win cash prizes in the Video Challenge.

For the first time, undergraduate scholarships to NYU-Poly will be offered to every Capture the Flag Applications Security finalist, and scholarships for the winners of several challenges are bigger than ever. Cash prizes are also awarded. Also new this year, the Career Fair on Friday, Nov. 11, is open to all students – not just CSAW finalists and ISIS Lab students. Plus, a new conference by Kaspersky Lab will present seminars as well as an opportunity for its research paper winners to attend its international competition in Europe.

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