
NY Tech Start Up Fair, SA 500

For NYU Community

If you're a CS student, recent grad or are currently a software engineer contemplating your next move and want to speak directly with the creators of New York’s hottest tech companies, join us at SA500, an engineers-only recruiting event on Saturday, October 15th, on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

50 of New York’s leading startups will be there with their CEOs, Co-Founders and CTOs attending in person to speak about job opportunities. Meet leaders from Next Jump, Tumblr, Stack Exchange, Etsy, Kayak, 10gen/MongoDB, Hunch, Hashable, Boxee, LivingSocial, Meetup, SquareSpace, SecondMarket, and 40 others.

Browse an up-to-date list of companies and leaders attending

FREE to attend, but you'll need to apply.

Hurry - there are still spots available.  Apply now!